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Peptide-based Delivery

Recent Publications:

Kauffman WB, Fuselier T, He J, Wimley WC. Mechanism Matters: A Taxonomy of Cell Penetrating Peptides. Trends Biochem Sci. 2015 Dec;40(12):749-64. PubMed doi PMC

He J, Kauffman WB, Fuselier T, Naveen SK, Voss TG, Hristova K, Wimley WC. Direct cytosolic delivery of polar cargo to cells by spontaneous membrane-translocating peptides. J Biol Chem. 2013 Oct 11;288(41):29974-86. doi PubMed PMC.

Cruz J, Mihailescu M, Wiedman G, Herman K, Searson PC, Wimley WC, Hristova K. A membrane-translocating peptide penetrates into bilayers without significant bilayer perturbations. Biophys J. 2013 Jun 4;104(11):2419-28. doi PubMed PMC(Collaboration with the Hristova Lab at Johns Hopkins)

He J, Hristova K, Wimley WC. A highly charged voltage-sensor helix spontaneously translocates across membranes. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2012 Jul 16;51(29):7150-3. doi. PubMed PMC

Marks JR, Placone J, Hristova K, Wimley WC. Spontaneous membrane-translocating peptides by orthogonal high-throughput screening. J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Jun 15;133(23):8995-9004. doi PubMed PMC


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